In this blog today we are going to talk about the advantages of wearing gemstones according to your horoscopes. There are two methods worldwide that are being prevalent and being used by people to recommend gemstones. 

The first method is adopted by the astrologers who recommend gemstones based on the benefic planets in a person’s horoscope. The second method is by removing the negative effects of planets on your body. In this methodology, the astrologers recommend people wear those gemstones which are negative or malefic in their horoscope. So you wear gemstones to remove the negativity ultimately affecting your emotional and physical being. 

In true essence, these gemstones work at our chakras level and affect the energies center of our physical being. There are seven major colours that can affect the energy centers in our body. Each energy center corresponds to a separate colour. The colours are red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, and violet. There are a few more colours which respond to our minor chakras and are used for healing purposes. 

The benefits of wearing gemstones are that you get optimal and better physical and emotional health. To achieve that all we need to know is which colour is short in our body. Gemstones work on the principle of refraction, it takes energy from the sun and refracts that colour in our body and imparts that energy into our body. When we take care of that shortage of colour in our body by wearing gemstones we will get excellent and optimal physical health. 

Let us explain this to you better with an example:  

 Suppose a person is suffering from a heart problem and has a shortage of green colour in his/her body, what they should do is wear an emerald that can help their body to absorb the green colour and help the chakras heal physically and emotionally. Thus, resulting in the remedy of their heart-related problems. 

We hope with this example it might be quite clear to you how gemstones help towards better physical and mental health. So, all we recommend is for you to always consult an expert before choosing to wear a particular gemstone as before making it a part of your life you should fully be aware of its positive and negative energy vibes.