Many astrologers believe that carrying, holding, or wearing gemstones that correspond to your zodiac sign can help you enhance your health, fortune, and good luck. It was believed that the gemstones receive vibrations from the constellations that can greatly strengthen your planetary influences on your life.

These beliefs mostly originated from Hindu tradition where each zodiac corresponds to a specific gemstone. But it is also advisable to consult an expert astrologer before taking the decision to wear a gemstone. This is advisable because not only these gemstones carry positive vibes but they do have few negative impacts too. If a person wears the wrong gemstones then it might have a reverse effect on their personality, health, and fortune.

Gemstones are more than just pretty ornaments used in jewelry.  These natural, Earth-based beauties also have the power to heal, protect, relax, and clarify. If you make them a part of your life you will be surprised to see how they align with your chakras and thereafter the effect that they bring to your energies.

Today we bring you a list of all the zodiac signs and the gemstones associated with them according to the Indian Belief. It is believed that wearing these gemstones according to your zodiac will bring you good health and fortune.

Aries: Coral

Pisces: Diamond

Gemini: Emerald

Cancer: Pearl

Leo: Ruby

Virgo: Emerald

Libra: Diamond

Scorpio: Coral

Sagittarius: Yellow Sapphire

Capricorn: Blue Sapphire

Aquarius: Blue Sapphire

Pisces: Yellow Sapphire

While this is the list of prescribed gemstones according to the Indian belief you may find many different gemstone recommendations based on planetary moments in your life, American beliefs, or even based on the healing properties of the gemstones.

Before making any gemstone a part of your life we will again advise you to have an expert opinion about the same. And once you get the gemstone that aligns with your chakras we are sure that you will start feeling how the energies of the gemstone begin to bring positivity in your life by enhancing your strong aspects and nullifying those negative ones out of your life.